Core values that really speak

 OK, gut check time - are your business's core values a pile of consultant words, or do they truly represent your company culture? We're assuming that you have spelled them out. Is your team living by them? Could they recite them if asked on the spur of a moment?  If you answered no to any of these questions, you could start from what you have and develop a set of core values that really speak to your team.

It might sound pretty to talk about high ideals like quality, and honesty and integrity, but

  • Is it evident what you really mean by each of them?
  • Are they in your company now?
  • Are they motivating to your team?
  • Can they be observed in behaviors?
  • Do they differentiate your business?
  • Would you be willing to take a financial hit or fire someone over them?
Here are a few that we really like, from a variety of sources. They aren't for you to assume as yours - they are here to start your creative thinking about how you would compose your list. Words matter, so express your core values in a way that fits your team. If you do a good job with this they will be memorable and motivating. And they will more easily stay in the picture when decisions are being made.

  1. Thou shalt not kill a new product idea.
  2. Put on your cape.
  3. Make Momma proud.
  4. Listen to all ideas.
  5. Be remarkable.
  6. No child is denied treatment.
  7. Invest in each individual.
  8. No fine print.
  9. Blowouts bring happiness.
  10. Have fun. Make money. Do good.
One other thing - core values are not for marketing purposes. They are to guide the daily behavior of your organization. They are revealed to your stakeholders through consistent, aligned behaviors and decisions.  Even if it is a stretch to your wordsmithing skills, making the list is the easy part.
