Although it is appropriate all year round, this week is about gratitude.
When you’re working really hard to achieve goals, to take your business to the next level of success and sustainability, it’s easy to become consumed with what you’re doing. When you have reached a modicum of success, in whatever way you measure it, it can be tempting to become self-congratulatory. Beware though. Pride and complacency are next door neighbors, and they can create the illusion that you did it on your own. You didn’t.
We didn’t do it alone either.
Thank you to our clients. We are aware that you have entrusted the health and success of your business in choosing to partner with us, and we take that trust very seriously. Your dedication to the good work that needs to be done helps us to look good. We appreciate your open mindedness, your candor, and your friendship. And we are gratified by your initiative in bringing other motivated leaders to work with us.
Thank you to our partners. The coaches in the ProActive Leadership Group are sharing colleagues, and we support one another in growing our respective practices. We plan together, train together, give feedback to one another, and cheer one another’s success. Thank you also to our colleagues in the larger communities of Gravitas Impact, Trusted Advisor Network, Innermetrix, 3HAG and more. Together we become more valuable to our clients, and we hold one another accountable for high quality in our practices.
Thank you to our communities, professional and neighborhood. Our connection with one another make it possible to generate a greater and more beneficial outcome than any one of us could do alone.
Be safe, be healthy - and Happy Thanksgiving!
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