6 things to do when the world is turned upside down

So here we all are with the world turned upside down from Covid 19, grasping for normalcy, for stress relief, for optimism that is sometimes in short supply. A proactive leader isn't willing to hunker down and play wait and see in the midst of global and local uncertainty. He or she takes action to create a positive outcome.

  • Remember self care - You will not be on your best if you allow yourself to become so stressed that it interferes with problem solving. Mental health challenges are legitimate side effects of crisis situations. Maintain your beneficial regime that includes exercise, adequate sleep and balanced diet.
  • Keep values top of mind - This is a test of whether you really mean what you say on the days when it's easier to say it. There will be decisions to be made that have ramifications. And when you abide by your values, tomorrow and the next day and next year you will be able to look in the mirror at peace with yourself.
  • Stabilize your business - Keep a close eye on your financial reserves, because this is likely a long tunnel that we are entering. Determine what actions now will protect your company for a longer time. Make contingency plans. Build out your worst case scenario and the tactics you will take if needed, and at what time based on what metrics.
  • Take care of your team - They are your production capacity for the long haul. They have worries inside and outside work; your handling of your HR practices can make a huge impact on them now and your business for a long time.
  • Honor your customers - They may or may not be able to buy as much - or anything - from you right now. They might be slower to pay because they are struggling. Communicate with them, work with them, help them to make it through. This is the right thing to do, and it will also result in greater customer loyalty to take your company into the future.
  • Remember your community - Everyone is in this together. While it is a test for all, it is also an opportunity for you to increase your beneficial impact. Collaborate, innovate, lead, serve. And you'll be poised to thrive when we come out on the other side.
